
Pardon the intrusion into the migration mania, but has any one else noted
that messages distributed by the list serve from Yahoo and AOL addresses
are being sent to your spam folder? I had about 30 recent messages in there
from the last week. I know that this is likely an effect of Yahoo's recent
changes to their mail system that is affecting list serves everywhere.

I would like to make a plea to Ohio birders that still use the list serve
to strongly consider using another email client for posting to the list
serve, such as gmail or Outlook. Otherwise, your postings are likely not
being seen by everyone (for example - the initial Rock Wren post was in my
spam folder!). I know that changing email providers can be a hassle, but
for the list serve to really function, everyone's email really needs to be

A technical explanation of why this is occurring can be found here.

See you on the trails and thanks,

Andy Sewell


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