here is a list from the Lake Erie Bluffs from this morning.  Nothing that unusual, but there was a nice variety of warblers.  you had to go into the woods to see them.  We saw a lot on the unimproved trail that runs south from the southwest corner of the Bluffs Trail.  The trail is wet in spots, but that's where we saw the most variety.  I was with Jim Smallwood part of the time.I'm still not seeing the midges hatching out of the lake yet.  Once they do, the warbler numbers pick up quite a bit.  It should be soon.
Lake Erie Bluffs Metropark--Lane Rd., Lake, US-OHMay 16, 2015 8:00 AM - 12:20 PMProtocol: Traveling3.1 mile(s)Comments: Most of the warblers were along the trail running south from the southwest corner of the Bluffs Trail. This trail is unimproved and can be pretty wet in spots. Today it had a nice variety of warblers.92 species (+1 other taxa)Canada Goose 2Mallard 4Red-breasted Merganser 17Wild Turkey 2Double-crested Cormorant 5Great Blue Heron 1Turkey Vulture 6Bald Eagle 3Red-tailed Hawk 1Ring-billed Gull 83Herring Gull 16Caspian Tern 1Mourning Dove 4Chimney Swift 14Ruby-throated Hummingbird 3Belted Kingfisher 1Red-bellied Woodpecker 6Downy Woodpecker 3Hairy Woodpecker 1Northern Flicker 4Eastern Wood-Pewee 2Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 1Acadian Flycatcher 1Alder Flycatcher 1Willow Flycatcher 11Least Flycatcher 2Great Crested Flycatcher 5Eastern Kingbird 9Warbling Vireo 14Philadelphia Vireo 1Red-eyed Vireo 11Blue Jay 3crow sp. 4Northern Rough-winged Swallow 49Purple Martin 3Tree Swallow 7Bank Swallow 450Barn Swallow 8Black-capped Chickadee 1Tufted Titmouse 1White-breasted Nuthatch 1House Wren 3Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1Veery 4Swainson's Thrush 3Wood Thrush 5American Robin 22Gray Catbird 84Brown Thrasher 5Northern Mockingbird 1European Starling 42Ovenbird 3Northern Waterthrush 1Blue-winged Warbler 1Black-and-white Warbler 1Tennessee Warbler 1Nashville Warbler 3Mourning Warbler 1Common Yellowthroat 27American Redstart 16Cape May Warbler 1Northern Parula 1Magnolia Warbler 14Bay-breasted Warbler 1Yellow Warbler 130Chestnut-sided Warbler 4Blackpoll Warbler 1Black-throated Blue Warbler 2Palm Warbler 1Yellow-rumped Warbler 1Black-throated Green Warbler 1Canada Warbler 2Yellow-breasted Chat 1Eastern Towhee 5Chipping Sparrow 3Field Sparrow 2Song Sparrow 41Swamp Sparrow 1White-throated Sparrow 1White-crowned Sparrow 5Scarlet Tanager 1Northern Cardinal 26Rose-breasted Grosbeak 24Indigo Bunting 1Red-winged Blackbird 47Common Grackle 38Brown-headed Cowbird 68Orchard Oriole 9Baltimore Oriole 26Purple Finch 2Pine Siskin 2American Goldfinch 36View this checklist online at report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (
John Pogacnik                                     

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