JULY 11, 2015 - Monthly Cuyahoga Valley Towpath Trail Census.HIKE: Red Lock Trailhead south to Merriman Valley. TIME: 6:00am-2:35pm TEMP.: 55-83COND.: Heavy fog from 6:00am-8:00am; fog burning off, becoming sunny, calm & warm.FT.MI.: 13.0 OBS.: John Henry & Douglas W. Vogus.I. MAMMALS: 7 SPECIES.
   - Shorttail Shrew - 1

   - Eastern Chipmunk - 29
   - Eastern Fox Squirrel - 1
   - Red Squirrel - 18
   - Muskrat - 2
   - Eastern Cottontail - 6
   - White-tailed Deer - 2 (1 doe,1 fawn)
II. BIRDS: 65 SPECIES.(NOTE: ? = bird was seen but not sexed; * = bird was heard calling but not sexed)
   - Canada Goose - 2

   - Wood Duck - 5 (f)
   - Double-crested Cormorant - 1 (first July record)
   - Great Blue Heron - 1
   - Green Heron - 4
   - Turkey Vulture - 5
   - Red-tailed Hawk - 9 (3 immatures)
   - Killdeer - 3
   - Rock Pigeon - 10
   - Mourning Dove - 12
   - Eastern Screech-Owl - 1 (heard calling - first July record)
   - Chimney Swift - 7
   - Belted Kingfisher - 2 (1m,1?)
   - Red-bellied Woodpecker - 6 (1?,3*,2 immatures)
   - Downy Woodpecker - 10 (1f,9*)
   - Hairy Woodpecker - 4 (*)
   - Northern Flicker - 11 (1m,2f,4?,4*)
   - Pileated Woodpecker - 1 (*)
   - American Kestrel - 3 (1m with 2 immatures at Akron Compost Facility - New Census High - previous was 2 on 09/2014)
   - Eastern Wood-Pewee - 5
   - Acadian Flycatcher - 5
   - Willow Flycatcher - 1
   - Eastern Phoebe - 2
   - Great Crested Flycatcher - 3
   - Eastern Kingbird - 6
   - White-eyed Vireo - 1
   - Yellow-throated Vireo - 4
   - Blue-headed Vireo - 1 (Tied Census High on 07/2010)
   - Warbling Vireo - 9
   - Red-eyed Vireo - 13
   - Blue Jay - 15 (2 immatures)
   - American Crow - 9 (2 immatures)
   - Tree Swallow - 12
   - Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 2
   - Barn Swallow - 6
   - Black-capped Chickadee - 10
   - Tufted Titmouse - 8
   - White-breasted Nuthatch - 9 (2m,1?,6*)
   - Carolina Wren - 2
   - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 3 (1?,2*)
   - Eastern Bluebird - 1 (*)
   - Wood Thrush - 2
   - American Robin - 51 (4 immatures,1 nest)
   - Gray Catbird - 22
   - European Starling - 26
   - Cedar Waxwing - 27 (1 nestling,3 nests)
   - Common Yellowthroat - 32 (31m,1*)
   - Hooded Warbler - 3 (m)
   - Yellow Warbler - 13 (4m,4f,2?,3*)
   - Yellow-throated Warbler - 2 (m)
   - Eastern Towhee - 2 (1m,1*)
   - Chipping Sparrow - 2
   - Field Sparrow - 1
   - Song Sparrow - 49
   - Swamp Sparrow - 18 (New Census High - previous was 17 on 07/2011)
   - Scarlet Tanager - 7 (3m,2f,2 immatures)
   - Northern Cardinal - 31 (13m,3f,8*,5 juvenile *,2 fledglings)
   - Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 4 (3m,1f)
   - Indigo Bunting - 26 (24m,2f)
   - Red-winged Blackbird - 42 (23m,17f,2 immatures)
   - Common Grackle - 324
   - Brown-headed Cowbird - 8 (3m,3f,1 immature,1*)
   - House Finch - 2 (1m,1f)
   - American Goldfinch - 30 (12m,1f,4?,13*)
   - House Sparrow - 31
   - Common Snapping Turtle - 6

   - Red-eared Turtle - 1
   - Midland Painted Turtle - 129
   - Eastern Spiny Softshell - 7
   - Bullfrog - 3

   - Green Frog - 32
   - Creek Chub - 4

   - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - 1

   - Cabbage Butterfly - 12
   - Great Spangled Fritillary - 1
   - Pearl Crescent - 1
   - Red-spotted Purple - 1
   - Viceroy - 1
   - Northern Pearly Eye - 1
   - Silver-spotted Skipper - 1
Douglas W. Vogus - Akron, Ohio.


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