Subscribers to the MDTDEV-L listserv,
Welcome.  With 90-some subscribers, it would be helpful if you would
post a brief biography to MGTDEV-L so that MGTDEV-L participants can
get to know your interests/involvement in dealing with/within
university management development and executive education centers.
We expect discussions to center on topics surrounding management and
executive development and programming -- trends, strategic issues,
inquiries, sources, suggestions, etc.
We hope that you will actively participate in this network.
Bric Wheeler
Bric A. Wheeler
Director, Center for Management Development
Richard T. Farmer School of Business Administration
Miami University, 114 Laws Hall
Oxford, OH  45056-1675
    Voice:  (513) 529-2132; FAX:  (513) 529-6992;
    E-mail:  [log in to unmask]
             [log in to unmask]