On Mon, 27 Feb 1995, Caroline Bellach wrote:
> Hi! I don't know if this has been discussed yet, but did everyone notice
> the new guy in the band on the pic of the 'New Boy' EP? Well, I was just
> wondering if he is a perminent addition, and who is he? (well, you can
> tell that there is a difference with him there!) Oh, and what does he
> play? If I remember correctly (but I am not _sure_) they don't list the
> band members on that album...... thanks! :D
> -=Caroline=-
Hi Caroline!
Remember me from the digest?  Anyway- I'm responding to your question
about the new guy.  Hi name is Steve (I don't think I'm going to get this
right, but here's a try) Politi (or something).  Yes, he is a permanant
member and he plays the keyboard.  He is a great plus to the band.