Over the past week, I just put up a World Wide Web server on
our Windows NT 3.5 server, which is connected to the campus's
network on the Internet (TCP/IP protocols, of course).
Technically, it wasn't difficult. The hardest thing is designing
the information you want to convey on the home page. We're
just exploring, but in a week, should have a fully functional
If anyone want's to Mosaic or Netscape into it (if you don't
have a Windows package like this, see your systems people),
go to http:/gcsa.towson.edu/gcsahome.html. ANY SUGGESTIONS
I have downloaded the Web server for NT, plus freeware copies
of Netscape and Mosaic. As we get a little more experienced,
I'll make these available via anonymous FTP.
Hint: if you're just getting into Internet, pick up a book at
a local computer store that's a primer on Internet and explains
all the terminology, services, etc. It's pretty easy stuff...just
a different language.
Good luck! We're excited about the potential for the Web,
and are including in all of our new publicity. Now, all
we have to do is write the pages! Tail wags dog.