There was also a .com file called BSZ.COM (for Batch SZ) that
Ryan "Gozar" Collins wrote some time ago.  I might have a copy...
let's see...Yep I've got it, it's called BATCHZ.COM and allows
wildcards and computes download times based on the size of the files
and your modem speed.
It's called SZ Shell by Kurt Krueger.  Mike Jones...if you want this
for the MCUG libraries contact me.  If anyone else wants it,
please send me email: [log in to unmask] with your VAX address and
I'll send you a copy.
Gozar wrote something else that I cannot find.
Kent Covert ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
[Much Stuff Deleted]
: --
:                                      Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
Robert A. Pickering Jr.                           UNIX Software Specialist
Miami Computing and Information Services          [log in to unmask]
"Most people, if they counted how many people swam across the river, would
never think about building bridges."  - Ronald Altman