Randy 'Lerxst' Kaelber ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: In article <1995Mar22.074903.41998@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Kent Covert) writes:
: > An interesting aside to this, is if someone telnets to the Gandalf and then
: > uses one of the Telnet classes (V1, Phoenix, etc), you're actually taking
: > up 2 of the ports!
: Ooo! Veddy Sceddy! That means you could do nasty things like telnet to v1,
: telnet to hal, telnet to v1, telnet to hal, telnet to phoenix, telnet to
: ad nauseum until you just sort of ruled the gandalf.
: Do we have a maximum process limit set of the VAX, Kent? I mean, I suppose we
: could catch an offender if they did it, but it sure would wreak hovoc with
: network until it got stopped.
Well....this "problem" has always existed, and to my knowledge, has never
been abused (other than occasional people who telnet back to hal again to
connect to another machine because they don't know better).  So it's
hardly a serious problem if one at all.
_________________________________________________       _  __   __  __
Michael G. Jones, [log in to unmask] |     / \/ _)/_  \/ _)
Systems Analysis, Miami University of Ohio       |    / - \(_  / - )(_
                                                 |   (_) (_)_)/|__/\__)
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