Below are the articles which will appear in Histoire sociale/Social
History 27 (November 1994).
  Jack S. Blocker         Introduction
  Beverly Ann Tlusty      Gender and Alcohol Use in Early Modern Augsburg
  Peter Pope              Fish into Wine: The Demand for Alcohol in
                            Seventeenth-Century Newfoundland
  George Bretherton       The Battle between Carnival and Lent:
                            Temperance and Repeal in Ireland, 1829-45
  Patricia E. Prestwich   Drinkers, Drunkards, and Degenerates: The
                             Alcoholic Population of a Parisian Asylum,
  W. Scott Haine          From Drinkseller to Social Entrepreneur: The
                             Parisian Working-Class Cafe Owner, 1789-1914
  Joanne Woiak            "'A Medical Cromwell to Depose King Alcohol':
                             Medical Scientists, Temperance Reformers,
                             and the Alcohol Problem in Britain
  David W. Gutzke         Gender, Class and Public Drinking in Britain
                             during the First World War
  Emmanuel Akyeampong     The State and Liquor Revenues: Promoting
                             Economic Development in Gold Coast/Ghana,
                             1919 to the Present
  Ian Tyrrell             Prohibition, American Cultural Expansion, and
                             the New Hegemony in the 1920s: An
The special issue, due for publication in June, 1995, and the special
issues (vol. 21, nos. 3 and 4, fall and winter 1994) in Contemporary Drug
Problems (also devoted to alcohol topics) can be obtained as a package for
$34.50 from Professor Richard F. Hamm, Secretary-Treasurer, Alcohol &
Temperance History Group, Department of History, University of
Albany-SUNY, Albany, New York, 12222. Alternatively, the Social History
issue and one of the CDP issues can be bought for $25.50.