well, I'm here!
As far as meanings go... hmm... a lot of them have personal meanings for me.
1) Waiting My Turn - I was in like with a guy who had about a million
girls falling all over him, and I though if I just stuck around long
enough, he'd get to me.  I'm still waiting.... but I don't want him anymore!!
2) I Suppose - I always felt like this was about going away, changing,
and coming back to find things have stayed the same, while you're different.
3) Try - I think this is about being enticed into something you don't
want to do.... but ever since I saw _Interview With the Vampire_, it
sounds like a vamp trying to convince a mortal that he'd like to be a
vamp.  Just a little thought from my twisted imagination!!
4) Hey Wow - The most personally meaningful to me as I graduate high
school and enter college this fall..... it's about feeling lost and
left... and the worst part is, you know why your friends have left:
because you're always depressed!!
I am completely confused about:
Get a Gun
Over There
Upside Down
If you haven't deleted yet, thanks!  Let's talk about this more, guys,
this is cool!