Dear CSCAISGC Listserver Subscribers:
The reason why I set up this list is to facilitate the communication of
information regarding the newly formed Interpersonal and Small Group
Communication Interest Group of the Central States Communication Association.
I have created the listserver as a moderated group (i.e., messages come to me
personally and I decide whether or not to send them out to the group).  I have
done this to keep the "signal-to-noise" ratio remains as high as possible.
This may be why it takes longer for your messages to hit the group than in
some other lists (e.g., the COMSERVE discussion groups).  If I'm in the
office, I check my e-mail several times a day, so I would hope that the "turn-
around time" is going to be short.
As a new interest group in the CSCA structure I feel as though we have a
unique opportunity in that (by definition) this group has no history.  There
can be no "well, that's the way we've always done it" sorts of institutional
rationalization.  We have the opportunity to do new things (or old things in
new ways) or to discuss new issues that may be less likely to occur in other
interest groups or associations.
I can't do it alone (and, frankly, I don't want to).  As a new interest group,
there are several things that we need to do.  The first thing we need to do is
to communicate the existence of this interest group to as widely as possible.
This listserver is one way of doing that.  In the near future, I will send a
list of those individuals that are currently subscribed to the listserver.  I
need you to look over that list and suggest other people that I can
"subscribe" to the list.  I am especially be interested in subscribing
students.  Regional associations are a good place for students to "cut their
professional teeth" so to speak.
Second, I need individuals to volunteer to do the traditional interest group
tasks.  As the interest group chair I will receive paper and panel submissions
but I need individuals to act as readers.  I got a couple of volunteers at the
Indianapolis conference, but I would like (and need) more.
Finally, I need you to submit papers and panels.  The submission deadline is
September 15th.  The conference will be held on April 17-21, 1996 at the
Radison Hotel in St. Paul, Minnesota.  One potential use for this listserver
is for disseminating information about panels.  If you have an idea for a
panel but need another participant (or two), feel free to send a message to
the group.
Thanks for your cooperation.  If you have any questions or would like to make
suggestions, feel free to respond to the list ([log in to unmask]) or
to me personally ([log in to unmask]).
Paul Mongeau