Yes Melissa, this list is sometimes pretty dead.  Since I have some time to burn
here at work, I'll answer your questions and everybody can read them for
I'm 27, an engineer for Rockwell International's Automation group (gee I hope my
boss isn't on this mailing list) in Milwaukee.  I used to think I was old, then
I started dating a 33 year old.  Now I feel young again.  Either that or now I
feel like I'm dating Mrs. Robinson.
My favorite groups presently include the Connells (long time fan), Juliana
Hatfield (long time fan, Blake Babies), the Posies, and a group from Milwaukee
called the Gufs, who are playing the same Milwaukee/Chicago/Madison clubs that
the BoDeans grew up in.  I've also really enjoyed Hootie & the Blowfish; I don't
care if people are sick of them or think they're pop.  I really dig their sound.
More about the Gufs; pay attention everyone on this list.  If you like the
Connells, you will like the Gufs; it's a similar sound.  They just released
their 3rd album, and they are starting to go national.  Keep your ears open, and
if you can find it for sale (Collide), buy it.
Melissa wanted to hear stories.  Here's a couple:
Remember the BoDeans/Connells shows in VA last weekend?  Afterwards, the BoDeans
headed back to Milwaukee (hometown), and Tuesday night they were in their studio
working on some demo stuff.  Wednesday night I was in their studio and heard a
bunch of the material for the next album.  I have been taking a recording studio
class at University of Wisconsin, and my instructor is one of the BoDeans'
studio engineers, so he had the key.  The studio is in an old storefront on the
south side.  It's a total dive, but totally their own, no one else uses it.
There must be $100,000 worth of equipment just sitting there.
Story #2.  I have seen the Connells four times here in Milwaukee, and have
talked with them several times.  At one of the shows about six years ago, my
girlfriend at the time got her white tshirt signed by everyone in the band.  I
talked to her a few days ago, and she still wears the shirt.  About three years
ago, I was hanging out with a friend before a show, and Mike and Peele were
looking for some food, so we took them out for subs and shot the sheet with them
for an hour, then they put us on the guest list for the show.
A few days ago someone on this list made the comment that the Connells were
really nice, normal guys.  Yes, that's completely true.  Women, take note, some
of the guys are married ( I forget who, although it's not Doug).
I hope everyone on the list is amused.
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