In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] (J. Alan
 Pfaff) writes:
> If your daily quota of irony hasn't been satisfied yet, check out the
> Unabomber Manifesto in HTML format...
> I've only viewed it through Lynx, so I have no idea if it's been spiffed
> up with graphics at all... nice and simple layout, though... broken into
> sections... paragraphs counted... links to footnotes, etc.   Fwee.
You know, I did something like this a long time ago.
I'm from New York, Long Island to be exact-ish, and we had The Manhattan
"Zodiac Killer", you know, the serial killer who followed the Zodiac signs,
asked his victims their sign and then killed them?  There was a copycat killer
later on I think Last year...  Anyway, when he first appeared, they printed his
letter in the Newsday Newspaper... MY cousin was at camp at the time, so I
photocopied the letter from the paper, did my own little 'hidden message'
editing (Rune messages, like Die Pigs, Die, and little smiley faces amongst the
zodiac signs, photocopied it again, and sent it out.  My cousin had his camp
convinced that I was the Zodiac killer... Ahh, the things you'll do in 6th or
7th grade...
"Ughieeee!"    "Jeepers, what is it, Auggie Ben Doggie?  Did you feel a great
disturbance in the Force?  As if millions of voices cried out in terror and
were suddenly silenced?"    "No, just a little headache."
                  -Fluke Starbucker and Auggie Ben Doggie in _Hardware Wars_
        "You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss three bucks goodbye!"
     Joshua Marquart (aka Cheese) --- [log in to unmask]
         See Cheese's Homepage at