After much hand-wringing, I came up with 10 CDs, all released in the
Nineties, that are among my favorites. That's the closest I'm going to get
to saying "here are the 10 best CDs of this decade so far". They are listed in
no particular order. It looks somewhat different from the lists I've seen so
far (maybe I just don't get out enough) :
Phil Keaggy       Find Me in These Fields
Adam Again        Homeboys
Texas             Mothers Heaven
Texas             Ricks Road
U2                Achtung Baby
REM               Out of Time
Mark Heard        Dry Bones Dance
Seventy-Sevens    Pray Naked
Sam Phillips      Martinis and Bikinis
The Choir         Speckled Bird
Conspicuously missing are the Connells. Maybe that's because I've finally
just about decided that my favorite Connells album is *Fun and Games*, which
came out in 1989 -- and is therefore disqualified from consideration.