In article <1995Nov6.095120@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (R.E. Willia
ms, Jr.) writes:
> I'm finally starting to get somewhere with my web page. But I am
> encountering access problems with one file. I copied it from another file
> that works fine (and is in the same directory), and its privileges look the
> same under DIR /PROT, but whenever I try to access it though a link, I get
> the following error:
> -ERROR-(403):  Access to object is _ruled_ out.  [Seems a little harsh....]
> Requested method: GET
> Requested URL:    /mmac/tenarticles.html/
> I can access it diretly, just not through a link. What do I need to do to
> use this file? And just what do the privileges need to be set at? I have
> given the world read access....
I'm not sure.  It works for me when I try the command:
    $ www
> On a related note (somewhat at least), I am trying to define a new command
> in my file so that it brings up my own home page instead of
> Miami's. I am doing it like this:
> $ define web :== www
> But when I try to use it, it acts as if it never executed a define...
> saying to make sure I spelled it right, etc. I've defined about a dozen
> other commands the same way... why won't this one work?
First, you don't want the define command.  This would create a logical.
You want to create a symbol.
Secondly, redefining WWW is a little different from redefining other
commands.  This is because WWW is not really a command, it's a symbol.  You
can see this by issuing the command SHOW SYMBOL WWW.
The problem comes in that the system does not dereference symbols
recursively - it only does it once!  Therefore, when you issue the
'command' WEB, the system dereferences this to:
The system then tries to execute this, but it doesn't go back through the
dereferencing process on the symbol www and therefore fails because there
is no command called WWW.
How do you get around this problem?  It's fairly easy, actually.  You just
need to do the dereferencing for the system when you define the command.
For example:
    $ web :== 'www'
This will convert the www symbol into the actual command and then assign it
to the WEB symbol.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]