In article <1995Nov16.053725@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (The King)
> Why is it that MAIL completely ignores REPLY /REPLY_TO and always replies
> to just the original address? This is very annoying... am I missing
> something?
I think you're missing the meaning of the /REPLY_TO qualifier.  Here's what
the HELP system says about it:
     Normally, a Reply-to: header line is generated only when you have
     defined the PMDF_REPLY_TO logical. If you specify /NOREPLY_TO,
     then no Reply-to: line will be generated. If, instead, you specify
     the /REPLY_TO qualifier, then the supplied address will be placed
     in a Reply-to: header line, and any PMDF_REPLY_TO logial ignored.
The /REPLY_TO qualifier is used to change the REPLY_TO header on the
message you're sending out.  It doesn't change who the message you're
writing should be sent to.  It changes the address of where replies to your
message will be sent.
If you want to change who the reply is sent to, use the command
[log in to unmask]  This will add users to the list of people
the message will be sent to.  If you want to send the message to someone
completely different than the originator, use the FORWARD command.
> Also, why doesn't VMS support read receipts, but only received receipts?
> And if it doesn't support it, why do we have the command? Just curious....
First, realize that there is no standard that describes the action of a
read receipt.
The /READ_RECEIPT qualifier will ask the remote system for a read receipt.
It's up to the other system as to whether it will honor it (I have yet to
see an SMTP system that does).  The problem with read receipts is that some
people feel that they are an invasion of privacy.  That's probably the
biggest reason that they aren't supported.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]