DJSA Bulletin Board, Inc. is pleased to announce the publication of
the National Internet Directory's WHO'S WHO GUIDE - 1996.
As you may know, we have been producing the National Internet
Directory for almost five years. You can get a copy of this directory
by calling our BBS at 305-749-6458.
The National Internet Directory is a quarterly publication of Internet
related companies. The Directory includes advertising from many companies
offering FreeNet Access, WWW Sites, FTP Sites, Telnet Access, PING,
Usenet Groups and much more information and services. Within the Directory
is a listing of all USENET groups plus hundreds of BBS numbers from all
over the USA. The directory is free for all to download from our BBS and
is also available on most major online services in the country. It is
distributed electronically.
Starting in January of 1996, we will be releasing an annual WHO's WHO
GUIDE. The guide will be in alphabetical order and will contain single
listings of Internet related companies. The listings are FREE. We will
place any listing in our Who's Who Guide as long as it is in good
taste. To get a FREE listing included just send your FIVE LINE ascii
listing to DIRECTOR@[log in to unmask] (in the following format)
    1st line...........   name of company
    2nd line...........   email address
    3rd line...........   www site address
    4th line...........   modem online telephone number
    5th line...........   type of service
If we receive any other information aside from what is listed above we
will return it to you for revision. You can substitute other
information if you do not have an online number or www site. As long
as it is in good taste we will allow you to list your service anyway
you wish. The free listings are not supposed to be display advertising
substitutes. We wish to make the Who's Who guide a resource directory
for those looking for different types of Internet related services.
If you are interested in placing a display advertisement in our
WHO'S WHO GUIDE then please send an internet email requesting HELP to
[log in to unmask] You will receive an automatic reply
to your email with advertising rate information.
If you have questions, you can email [log in to unmask]
David Smith
DJSA Bulletin Board, Inc.
BBS (305)749-6458 (28,800bps)
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 E-mail replies to this user should have the following on the first line
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