>I haven't seen "bandwagon", but I remember reading an article about it
>when it was being filmed here.  It's an independent picture done on a
>shoestring budget, but supposedly has an excellent storyline.  Kind of
>a rock and roll version of "Clerks" I guess.  Doug did have a large
>part in the film. I don't know if it was ever released.
>Terry Barrett
>Raleigh, NC
A friend in Chapel Hill saw "Bandwagon" at the NC independent film festival
a month or two ago and said it was excellent.  He said it was by far the
best film at the festival.  And then he went on to mention that he thought
that "guy from the Connells" was in it.  Anyway...if you get a chance to
see it, it comes highly recommended.
Colin Law                |
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