This is being posted ( by request to several lists ) if you have a problem
let me know and I will not post to the offended list again)
RE: A consumer product ? Newbie and the InterNet:
Are they confused ? The five million people a month, with new
computers loaded with Windows 95, plus the 1/2 million updates,
and many others without Windows 95, but who want to connect to
the internet are not presented with a consumer product ! Our
Newbie.htm is designed to help. Maybe they should use AoL,
CompuServe, MSN until they get the basic systems in place.
LETS TAKE A TOUR of the Internet. There are many good
introductions to the Internet, including
material from Synergy.htm on our Network Synergy pages. If you
need help on E-mail, Chat (IRC) Suites, FTP, Newsgroups and
newsletters, ping, IP id, finger, etc. let me know. Most of these
programs will be intergrated into general service programs like
The intergrated packages reviewed by PC magazine cd-rom include
emissary at I downloaded a trial demo
version this morning at it sure is fast. The mail server and some
other applications drove my 286 80 with 10 mb crazy. I will also
try Mariner at "" MARINER
which looks very much the same. (But works faster and better
on my sustem)   BUT.. they promise more than they can deliver.
Eduora is a better mail server, WS_ftp32 is a much better FTP
server, MIRC393 (mirc32.exe) is a better chat, etc..
Both will be $99 to buy and maybe be worth it but the pieces are
free - netscape and Internet Explorer.
First you need a "" local server:
Then you need a browser: most of the stuff provided by servers is
not very good. is "" microsofts
network home page. You can customize this page with the services
and information you want.  If you go to tutorials there is a nice
- simple introduction to the web. Introduction, surfing, terms,
and more advanced information.
Now go back to software download arrow and find the internet
explorer. Download this browser if you have not already done so. is where
you down load
Netscape Browser.
is " Netscapes home page
and their "" Explore
the Web
The next stop is ""
Strouds winsock page
which connects you to You will need
to download a FTP, program.
<P>  has under
the Ws-FTP32 that I use and several other
"" gives basic tools.
Now you are well on your way. Any problems let me know. Now go
to and <A
"" check it out.
Daly links "" has more than
enough information on search engines and how to list your home
See our NEWS pages for more information on PR." is ZIFF communications
for the new NEWS..
"" Prodigy Home Page not really playing in
the big leagues
"" MCI Home Page
Their fees are rather high but the service is good if you have a
local access number.
"" CompuServe Home page
They use a PPP connection so you can have your own browser - but
why have time charges - it can get very expensive
"" America on Line
Maybe they will get their browser to work (some day) and say
there is direct connections - maybe
You know about the search engines <A
"" Yahoo and  EXCITE
and the others ?
"" gives
Search engines, Virtual Tourist, Map, Autopilot, etc. Is a good
place to start.
They open from almost everywhere. See MSN search (above MSN home
A great new engine is ""
Digital's search engine: Try key words: pflaump, synergy
"" is Bill Gates
on the future
When you enter ~pflaump there is the ="/~pflaump/" index page.
which contains this page first.htm, the News page, the Start page
There are also the document files; the main files is
"/~pflaump/document/" /document
and under synergy documents several files
/~pflaump/synergy/PATHOS/" PATHOS,
(feelings and psychology, mind body materials);
/~pflaump/synergy/ethos/" ETHOS
(education, morals, values and being a person with character -
the heart of education ) and
/~pflaump/synergy/LOGOS/" LOGOS
[ the rational and policy papers about organizations, management,
government, theories of collective behavior)
<H3>Note: IF these links don't work go back to /~pflaump (Index)
and do it by hand - open /document or /synergy and it works. I
don't know why sometimes the links work and sometimes they don't.
Note: Case Sensitive
Hyperlinks are case sensitive. The file manager in Windows
doesn't show upper case, so when I made /synergy/ ethos, PATHOS,
LOGOS, NEW, and PAGES some of the links don't work because of
case. I am replacing and correcting as I find the problem.
Another case of live and learn. The lesson is to use only lower
case in file structure. Now since the search engines like Digital
have listing of the locations, I can't just change file names
without messing up these references. The lesson is to be careful
with your file structure on the WEB because you are going to be
stuck with it. I changed /~pflaump/pflaump to /~pflaump/synergy
and it still haunts me.
( Unstable technology - see below ). A general tip on the web -
try several times. The URL's have to be found and placed in the
server. Sometimes the server need to do this more then once. If
you don't get a fairly fast - found - waiting but it keeps
looking - don't wait long - try again. I use more than one
browser page at a time ( on Windows 95 ) and flip back and forth
if it's slow. One reason I don't have an Index.htm page is to
give you practice in open files and how they work.
I've looked at the pages with a freenet http (text only),
AoL, CompuServe, Prodigy, MS Internet Explorer, Netscape, Hot
Java, and they all are different. What I see and experience is
not the same as what you see and experience. I depend on your
In the files you will find /~pflaump/synergy/PAGES/" sample pages
along with /~pflaump/winhttpd/icons/" icons, and
other materials for making your own home pages. A lot more
information is on the week before first's page now the news page.
This is a place to visit more than once and spend enough time
to discover our meaning. It is not completely user friendly -
we are working on it. Have a nice visit and let me know what you
think ?
Directions to the NEWS and Synergy Network Pages
Each week or so, the comments, ideas and suggestions on the FIRST
page become the NEWS page. the last NEWS page becomes doc5.htm,
the doc4.htm, etc.
SYNERGY-NET on is where YOU
can collaborate with the future using Interactive Education and
Training on your own Web pages. Join, Beta Testers free.
** Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE
225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-9609
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** Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE
225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-9609
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