This year's Finch Lecture will be given by Ms. Kit Cosby.  I invited
Kit because of her work as "co-chair of the Washington-based Working Group on
the Human Rights of Women, coordinator of the effort to implement the U.N.
Conventions on Racial Discrimination and on Torture, as well as co-ordinator of
the Working Group for the Ratification of the U.N. Women's Convention."  Her
formal title is Deputy Director for External Affairs of the Baha'is of the
United States.
        Kit will be in Middletown the entire day of Tuesday, April 16.
         8:30 A.M.  Meeting with combined class of Pol 141 and Soc 151
        12:00 A.M.  Presentation to Middletown Rotary, Manchester Inn
         4:00 P.M.  Finch Lecture, Finkelman Auditorium Lobby
         6:00 P.M.  Dinner with Political Science Dpeartment and Guests,
                    Manchester Inn
         7:30 P.M.  Address on Women's Rights Post-Beijing, Middletown
                    Women's Center (Adjacent to Manchester Inn).  Co-
                    sponsored by Political Science Dept., Miami University
                    Women's Center and Middletown AAUW.
        IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ:  I am in the process of arranging for the
Manchester Dinner.  We will pay for members of the
Department.  Guests are welcome, but their meals will not be covered.  The
cost will vary since we will be ordering from the menu.  Please let me know
if you will be attending and if you will be bringing any guests.  In fact,
let me know if you will not be coming as well.  In that way, I will know that
you received this memo.
        If you have any comments or suggestions, let me know.
Thanks for your help.
Mel (COHENM1 if you do not want you response to appear on the LISTSERV.