My name is Joseph Gabriel. I am a new subscriber to the Alcohol and
Temperance History Group list. I have been lurking for a while, and have
found the information distributed by this list to be very informative.
I have recently finished working on a paper called "The Fetish of Self
Control: Sex, Alcohol, and Capitalism in Nineteenth Century America" I am
looking for people who would be willing to read the paper and offer their
suggestions on ways of improving it - I would be interested in any sort of
comments and/or criticism.
The paper is about 35 pages long, and deals with the relationship between
ideology, conceptions of community, and the ethic of self-control in
relation to sexuality, alcohol use, and capitalism. I'd be happy to send a
disc with the paper on it to anyone who would be willing to critique it for me.
Also, any pointers on research into these areas would be greatly appreciated.
Joseph Gabriel
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