Poster:       Alicia A Brophy <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Gin Blossoms
Hey All!
I just wanted to let those in the area know that the Gin Blossoms
are playing at Auburn Univ. in Alabama on Friday, April 20th.  Ticketsare $5 for
students and $7.50 for the general public.  At that price itis definitely worth
driving a distance!  Dishwala is one of the opening bands and I'm not sure of
the other one yet.  Tickets are on sale now! If you want anymore info feel free
to e-mail me!  Talk to y'all later! -BYE!
Hello I am somewhat of lurker..... But, had to respond to the email.. by
I went to see the Gin Blossoms show at Catholic University on March 25..  Once
again, they have proved what a fabu band and real professionals they are..
Back up bands: The Odds (from Canada?) and Three Day Wheelie
(originally from a band called Lost Luggage.) Both were good, and both having
that kind of "Replacements", "Squeeze" feel to them..  The kids loved them.
The Gin Blossoms did a great show, lots of old stuff from "Up and Crumbling" and
the entire new album.."Congratulations, I'm Sorry.".. with a couple of covers
including a Tom Petty -- where local Maryland rocker, Tommy Keene came on stage
to play lead guitar, and then the ever popular "Flaming Moe song" from the
Simpsons..  The crowd were obviously die hard Gin Blossoms fans -- and all had
big time TWANGY fun. A very tight show indeed.
I really like that new song, "Follow you down (?)" with that harmonica action in
the beginning.. I asked the lead singer (Robin) after the show if he was a big
"Bluebells" fan.. because, the harmonica sounded similar to the beginning of an
old Bluebells song called "Cat."  He then replied.."ah, no..", and then replied,
"well, Andrea if it did....I never said we ever did anything original.." and
then we had a good laugh..
All of my friends who went to the show just raved. It was also nice to see old
friends... and listening to the music that always brings me back to drinking
Jagermiester and pitchers of Budlite at old Tempe bars and ..... dancing til the
cows came home..