Innisbrk listserv subscribers:
This was originally posted on the TRDEV-L listserv, but some of you
may be interested -- either to visit the site or list your web site.
Information should be sent directly to Mr. Lin -- he is not on our
Bric Wheeler
Date:    Wed, 10 Jul 1996 16:02:49 -0500
From:    Victor <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Gallery of Web Pages
Hi Folks:
A new web page which contains links to World-Wide Web sites that
designed by the TRDEV-L subscribers and Training and Development
practitioners was added to the TRDEV-L web site.  To link your web
sites to the TRDEV-L, please submit your URLs to the list manager at
[log in to unmask] To view this new page, use any World-Wide Web browser
(e.g., Netscape) to visit the following web address:
     *   Victor Lin                               *
     *   Manager, TRDEV-L                         *
     *   301 Keller Building                      *
     *   Workforce Education and Development      *
     *   The Pennsylvania State University        *
     *   University Park, PA 16802-3202           *
     *   Email: [log in to unmask]                     *
     *   Tel:(814) 863-0275  Fax:(814) 863-7523   *
     *   URL:   *