I've also been having a great deal of problems connecting with PPP services at
Miami lately... I'm using a powermac with MacTCP and FreePPP (the BEST PPP
seoftware out there, as far as I'm concerned), and although Miami PPP was
working fine for a while, in the last week I haven't been able to connect once.
Maybe I'm just frustrated too easily by this, but it seems to be the norm for
Miami's computing services to experience serious problems as opposed to running
smoothly.  I think Miami should seriously consider bringing in a third-party to
fix their PPP woes, if they haven't done so already.  It's going to be a lot
easier to deal with it now when only a few of the PPP connections are being
used as opposed to having a couple hundred students attempt to use it a day.
If it's unstable now, imagine how unstable it will be during the school year.
On a different note, I'm moving into Hahne hall Tuesday the 13th.  Are their
any guidelines as to what ip addresses I should use, or should I just get the
MacTCP prep off of the MU-SUPPORT volume's network communications?  Also,
although I've been told the wiring is done, I've also read that the resnet data
stuff isn't supposed to be up until September 1st.  Any clarification on that
Finally, static IP addresses: I'd really really like to get one to run my web
site off of my powermac.  Is any service such as this even being provided at
this point, and if it is, who do I talk to in order to secure an ip address?
Thanks for reading!  Later,
-Chris Carman
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