Chris Carman wrote:
> I've also been having a great deal of problems connecting with PPP services at
> Miami lately... I'm using a powermac with MacTCP and FreePPP (the BEST PPP
> seoftware out there, as far as I'm concerned), and although Miami PPP was
> working fine for a while, in the last week I haven't been able to connect once
> Maybe I'm just frustrated too easily by this, but it seems to be the norm for
> Miami's computing services to experience serious problems as opposed to runnin
> smoothly.  I think Miami should seriously consider bringing in a third-party t
> fix their PPP woes, if they haven't done so already.  It's going to be a lot
> easier to deal with it now when only a few of the PPP connections are being
> used as opposed to having a couple hundred students attempt to use it a day.
> If it's unstable now, imagine how unstable it will be during the school year.
The PPP service has been in beta test, with intermittent availability, since the
modems were installed.  We've been uncovering and resolving problems along the w
The PPP modems are scheduled to be in production mode on August 19.  We've taken
modems down now to put them into their production configuration with the new pho
numbers.  You will want to watch the MU.COMP.MODEMS newsgroup for announcement o
n the
new numbers.  Until then, the availability of PPP service cannot be assured.
> On a different note, I'm moving into Hahne hall Tuesday the 13th.  Are their
> any guidelines as to what ip addresses I should use, or should I just get the
> MacTCP prep off of the MU-SUPPORT volume's network communications?  Also,
> although I've been told the wiring is done, I've also read that the resnet dat
> stuff isn't supposed to be up until September 1st.  Any clarification on that
> available?
IP addresses, as Clayton Hines pointed out in his response, will by dynamically
assigned by DHCP.  This will happen for the first time when you connect to the w
jack and use our network communication software install disk to download the sof
to your computer.  The software will be for sale in the University Bookstore lat
this month, hopefully by 8/19.  It will sell for $9.95 with the documentation (M
Guide to MUnet, plus the installation instructions).  The diskettes and document
will also be available for loan from your RA, your bell desk, or for downloading
the Reid or MacCracken LTCs.
Because this is such a tightly scheduled project, it's difficult to project actu
completion dates.  However, at this point, it appears that full TCP/IP services
be available in Hahne on Monday, August 19.  Testing will begin at that point, s
intermittent problems are likely, resulting in periods of time when the network
unavailable as we work to fix the problems.  We may run into unforeseen problems
Everyone is working very hard to help insure that as much as possible is complet
before students move in.  Even so, we know there will be open issues.
In Hahne, wiring to the rooms is done, but not all rooms have faceplates install
Continuity testing still needs to be done between the rooms and the communicatio
closets, and the wires have to be "patched through" to the Cisco Ethernet switch
There will be some related construction work yet to be done in students' room in
halls -- building the encasement (called a "chase") around the conduit that exis
ts in
some rooms.
> Finally, static IP addresses: I'd really really like to get one to run my web
> site off of my powermac.  Is any service such as this even being provided at
> this point, and if it is, who do I talk to in order to secure an ip address?
At this point, we cannot handle requests for static IP addresses.  Since we know
many students will want these for Web pages, we will offer this service as soon
as the
staff can handle it.  We will announce this service through the newsgroup.
Your patience is appreciated.  Since the installation schedule for this project
is so
aggressive (i.e., 16 halls in one summer) and our staffing resources are so limi
we need your understanding.  We also need to hear your questions and problems so
we can get them answered and resolved.  Thanks for your questions.
Debi Allison
Assistant Director for Client Services