In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] writes:
>>> 2) Beta means not ready for people to use, and could not work at any time.
>> Beta means ready for people to use, but may contain bugs and errors and the
>> service is not in it's final form.  If it meant that it was not ready for
>> people to use, beta releases would not be released.
> Well soory if I didn't get my wording right, but this is what I ment.
>>> 5) If you are so upset about the service that was provided for the summer.
>>>    don't you go purchase an ISP account from someone like Netcom, FUSE,
>>>    Oh... you can also pay at least $20.00 a month.  Maybe that will get you
>>>    at any time. But wait you have to pay for that.
>> Excuse me, although I agree with your little uncalled for rant up to this
>> point, I must point out an all-to-obvious fact to the majority of us: WE ARE
>> PAYING FOR THIS!  We all (students at least) were charged a new fee to pay
>> for this as well as paying over $7000 a year to attend Miami.  I know of no
>> other $7000/year internet service provider.
> You sir are compareing apples to oranges.  You are not paying $7000/year for
> you are paying $15.00 /semester! Also Miami is not doing this for-profit.
> But if you really want to pay $7000/year for ISP I can take care of that for
> you. Make checks payable to  "Paul Gentle"
>> Our fees were due to be paid on August 5th I believe.  That date has now
>> Miami has my $3500 and I haven't received anything but headaches and troubles
>> for it.  If you desire to needlessly rant about the complaining taking place
>> due to the PPP troubles, perhaps you should research the number of services
>> which you must pay in full before receiving any help and then once you have
>> paid, cannot complain because it's just supposed to be publically accepted
>> that these things take time.
>> I understand that this has been a temporary situation while the new internet
>> service was being set-up, but at this point in time, it has been "under
>> construction" for over three monthes and has not made any noticable progress
>> since early July.
>> I've paid my dues, now I want to see results.  I'm tired of being jerked
>> by Miami.
>>                                         -Josh Graves
> Well lets see.  you are a student of Miami University, correct. In order for
> you classes that you have scheduled not be cancelled, you must pay your
> fees in full by Aug. 8, 1996 (Not Aug. 5th,1996)  Ya know I don't thing the
> Bursars office would mind if you didn't pay your fees until school starts, Oh
> wait, that would mean your classes were cancelled.
Exactly, fees were due to be paid by August 8th to avoid cancelling classes.
Classes which were unknown to most students because although scheduled time
for change of schedule had past, no students had actually received a finalized
course schedule.
Then, during change of schedule time, for those of us who called MUCARES to find
out our schedules, MUCARES was down and we were unable to change our schedules.
I know none of this has to do with the PPP connection, but this is just a
little example of the crap students are going through at this point in time.
This doesn't even include the problems with financial aid and the new loan
program or student housing.
The fact is, if only counting the $15, fees have now been paid and I (and I'm
sure others would also) would like to see something concrete for that money.
>Think about it this way....
>                      $15/$3500 = 0.428571% of your bill.
Think of it this way:
                In a previous article I figured (with actual math) that if 200
new modems were purchased and each student paid $15 towards them, then each
modem must have costed around $650.  Wow, must be nice modems.
                If each modem costed $250 (assuming they're very good modems
and MU didn't get any discounts for them), that would still leave around $8000
to get the PPP/ISP networking up and running.  That doesn't include the extra
fees those students living on campus were required to pay.  For that kind of
money, three monthes should be enough time to get it up and running correctly.
I understand that the PPP/ISP networking is now being switched to a more
permanent basis and that is what is causing the problems at the moment.
As far as I'm concerned, this is a dead argument.  My point initially was (and
still is) that your rant was rude, quite unneccessary and uncalled for.
                                        -Josh Graves