Hi HO,
When I saw them during the "Boyland Heights" tour, Doug sang a bit of
"Unsatisfied" by Paul Westerberg and the Placemats at the end of one of
their songs. He also, if my memory is correct, sang a bit of "Within
You Without You" by the Beatles, This was my 1st time seeing them, it
was in St. Louis at a tiny bar named Cicero's, They played in the
basement bar and only 30- people were there. My brother mike and I had
a couple beers with Mike at the bar, which was only 10 feet from where
they played. This was 9 years ago, I was only 18. "Boyland" was just
released 2 days previous and they where better then the huge spectacle
that U2 put on at the checkerdome the night before to 20,000 of us.
Doug also had his foot in a cast and he really was in top form, I found
it funny how much he spit back then.