FYI... To all folks using VM/CMS TCP/IP services:
TCP/IP will be unavailable tonight between 10:00 and 10:15.  During this
time Steve Moore will be adding 4 new SMTP virtual machines to assist in the
deliver of Outbound Listserv mail.  He will also be adding 1 new SMTP virtual
machine to assist in the delivery of Outbound Non-Listserv mail.
MCIS regrets the short notice... These 'tweaks' are necessary in order
to adjust system resources for improved service delivery. Thanks for
bearing with us!
  Lisa Ehrichs, Data Support Analyst     Voice:        (513)529-6231
  Miami Computing & Information Services   Fax:             529-1705
  22d Hughes                              Mail:  [log in to unmask]
  Miami University   Oxford, OH 45056