I for one will be *extremely* glad when Tuesday has come and gone, so that
all these small-minded people working themselves up into a rage over who
should be President and why Candidate X is better than Candidate Y and if
you can't see that you're a damn communist/pot smoking hippie/fascist etc.
I can say this with the bitterness and acerbic attitude that only a former
Political Science major can heft.
Am I voting for Dole?  No.  Am I voting for Clinton?  No.  Am I voting?
Yes.  Libertarian.  Am I going to shove it down your throat?  No, no, no.
I mean, I'm not idealistic -- I realize that the Libertarian party has
absolutely no chance at actually winning this election, yet I must vote
for the candidate who fits my views the most.  Otherwise why democracy?
Speaking as someone relatively objective (e.g., disliking both major party
candidates equally), I have to say that the Dole camp has probably
disgusted me the most.  Was watching C-Span the other day, a Republican
rally, and all they could talk about was "character".  Cripes, folks... if
you're concentrating so much on something like that, you're definitely
going to lose.
Not to mention all the College Republicans' (at least, I assume that's who
is responsible -- they left no attribution) chalk propaganda left all
around campus, the most particularly noticeable one saying "Dole and Kemp
-- Not Lies and Hemp".  Real clever, guys.
- jf(a)