In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
 (Chris Carman) writes:
> Just wanted to ask if the ability to do <!-- #exec file="" --> within
> a web site is ever going to be implemented on the OpenVMS.  We already have
> <!-- #include file="filename.ext" --> and <!-- #echo ... -->, and I'd really
> like to run random scripts within my web pages, especially "You are the nth
> person to access this site today!".  Thanks!
I just made a real interesting discovery that may help.  Although, the
syntax you've given above hasn't been implemented (I'll probably end up
writing this at some point), it looks like this works for <img src ...>
tags.  For example, try the following in an HTML page:
    <img src="">
This will display a small gif of a book, but the more impressive part is
that it's using a CGI to generate the image.
Therefore, if you're wanting to use the <!-- #exec file="" --> to
generate an image, you should be able to do it already.  If you're wanting
this for purposes of generating HTML, though, you'll have to wait until I
can write the preprocessor directive.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
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