Over the last few weeks, I have read many postings about people's favorite
songs, albums, least favorite, etc... and I thought it would be good to make
if official.  So, if everyone on this mailing list would send me an email
directly at [log in to unmask] (please note the second E on the end ) and
answer the following questions, I will post the results at least once a week.
 If you don't have the album in question, just answer N/A.  And, I know it's
tough, but please list just one answer per question so I can do some
calculations with the totals.  Oh, and finally, again, please email me
directly, because that's much easier to track than all the postings to the
mailing list.  OK, here we go:
1) What is your favorite song off of Darker Days?
2) Favorite off of Boylan Heights?
3) Favorite off of Fun & Games?
4) Favorite off of One Simple Word?
5) Favorite off of Ring?
6) Favorite off of Weird Food & Devastation?
7) Which song is your favorite overall?
8) Which song do you like least overall?
9) Which is your favorite album overall?
10) Which album do you like least overall?
11) Have you ever seen them live, and if so, how many times?
12) If you have seen them live, please rate them on a 1-10 basis, 10 being
the highest.
13) How long have you been a Connell's fan?
Thanks!  Kimberly :}