Material Issue is a great band..... Connell fans will probably like their
style. They have 3 CDs of note.... the best probably being the second
one, which is called Internation Pop Overthrow. Unfortunately, the
lead singer killed himself in Chicago last summer. It was really sad.
I saw the band for my first (and last) time in Chicago over my
Spring Break and it was the best show I'd ever seen that was not a
Connells or Judybats performance. The Judybats are another band that
(while also defunct) Connells fans would like. I would also recommend
the also broken-up Jayhwaks and their reincarnation, Golden Smog.
Golden Smog's new CD is great..... the first two songs are super.
i am VERY excited to see the band tomorrow night in Northampton, Mass.
Now I just have to get my paper on de Tocqueville done so that I'm
not thinking about that while they play.
Mike Becker