I totally agree with your comments. The covers should show the individual
personalities of the artists . The Toad The Wet Sprocket's "Rock And Roll
All Night" is a perfect example.
>I think this is a great idea, but I think it should be done right.
>trying to sing like Doug or play like George!  Make these songs sound
>so much
>UNlike the Connells, kind of like Toad the Wet Sprocket did with "Rock
>Roll All Night."  Don't make parodies of the songs, but make serious
>that are played in a different style.  One idea would be a Son
>cover of "Maybe," or a pop-punk version of one of the Connells' slower
> I think this would be really interesting.
>Think about it -- any cover band can play a cover song, but a good
>will take a cover in a truly new direction.