Aaron Porter <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Carl Knoos ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
> : Dear Friends,
> : IBM has sent out warnings about a Trojan horse virus and asks evryone
> : with access to internet and e-mail NOT To read or open messages that are
> : titled: "JOIN THE CREW" (it will erase everything on your hard drive),
>       Oh boy, resnet hires people "In the know"... but what about "Good
> Times"?
I personally wished that "Good Times" wasn't a hoax so I could forward it
to Dragon and laugh at its pathetic attempts at reformatting anything. ;)
And for those who didn't know, programs can't run themselves just by
opening them (unless you have a really brain-damaged e-mail program that
automatically runs every single attachment you receive.).
And for those who hail assembler as the almighty language to do anything
you want with a virus/trojan horse...they don't call it 'protected mode'
for nothing. (Hence, no Unix viruses/virii that do damage without a stupid
administrator, aka Bliss.)