Hey all,
I have been gone from this list for about four weeks, due entirely to
circumstances beyond my control, but I'm back now (at least I think I am --
I sent a LISTSERV command over 24 hours ago that I still haven't gotten a
response to, so I can't be sure of my status).
I was surprised to learn that the branches still haven't gotten their
copies of the Connells video collection.  I sent the blank tapes to the
master tape owner several weeks ago, in mid- to late-September.  The last
word I had from him before that was that he was ready to start dubbing as
soon as he got the blanks.
I have sent him a message asking for a status report, and will continue
to follow up until I find something out.
I hear from the branches that some of you are starting to get antsy about
the tree -- wondering why you haven't gotten your tapes yet.  Frankly, I
don't blame you.  I would react exactly the same way in your place.  All I
can say is that the tree hasn't fallen by the wayside, that I am continuing
to pursue it, and I will let you know as soon as I hear something.
Sorry about the delay.  When I signed off the list four weeks ago, I was
sure leaves would have started getting their tapes by now.  Please be