Adam --
   There a good old review paper by Salme Ahlstrom on European
drinking cultures, in Jack Waddell and Dwight Heath, eds., Cross-Cultural
Approaches to the Study of Alcohol. The Hague, Netherland: Mouton,
Other relevant articles:
    C. Hupkens, R. Knibbe and M. Drop, Alcohol consumption in the
European community: uniformity and diversity in drinking patterns,
Addiction 88:1391-1404, 1993.
    Eva Pyorala, Drinking, drunkenness, and alcoholic beverages in Spain
and Finland: a study of vocabulary among young adults, Food and
Foodways 6:43-56, 1994.
   Kari Poikolainen, Alcohol Poisoning Mortality in Four Nordic Countries,
Helsinki: Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies, vol. 28, 1977.
    A-M. Harkin, P. Anderson and J. Lehto, Alcohol in Europe: A Health
perspective, Copenhagen: WHO-European office, 1995.
   You might take a look at the material on variation in binge drinking etc.
between U.S. regions in Don Cahalan and Robin Room, Problem Drinking
among American Men, New Brunswick: Rutgers Center of Alcohol
Studies, 1974.
>>> Adam Loewy <[log in to unmask]> 03/24/98 05:28pm
I am a Junior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison writing an Honors
paper on a cross-cultural comparison of binge drinking between
European and
American cultures.  Could you please recommend some sources that
1.) Give me info on binge drinking in European
2.) Analyze cross-cultural drinking patterns/mores
3.) Detail European social mores concerning alcohol
Thanks for your time!
Adam Loewy
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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