Jodi --  I'm out of reach of libraries at the moment. So, off the top of my
  (1) There are temperance compilations that have this stuff in.  Try
Cherrington's Standard Encyclopedia of the Alcohol Problem under each
country's entry.   Dorchester's The Liquor Question in All Ages??  I know
I once saw a large Belgian temperance volume, I think in the Rutgers
Center of Alcohol Studies library, that had consumption statistics for
many European countries for the late 19th century.
  (2) Modern studies or compilations for particular countries.  E.g, Pat
Prestwich's Drink and the Poltiics of Social Reform has figures for
France.  British statistics are available back to the 18th century -- there
was an article using them by J. Spring and DH Buss, Three centuries of
alcohol in Britain, reprinted in David Robinson, ed., Alcohol Problems, NY:
Holmes & Meier, 1979.  There is a compilation of historical statistics by
the modern British temperance movement -- the author's name, if I
remember, is George Brake.  Swedish figures must be available quite a
long way back, since there was a crown spirits monopoly there in the
18th century.  For Germany, of course, you have to do some piecing
together before 1870.
   (3) The big problem, of course, is unrecorded production.  I've never
seen much in the way of estimates of this in old sources.  Much of the
wine production in wine countries is likely to be unrecorded until fairly
recently, and cider is also a problem.  The key to whether statistics were
kept were whether the government tried to tax the alcohol production.
   I'd love to see what you come up with.  Robin Room
>>> Jodi Gliksman Boston University <[log in to unmask]> 04/02/98 05:55pm
Do any members of the list know where to find consumption statistics (of
wine, cider and distilled alcohol) from the second half of the nineteenth
century for any of the following countries: France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Sweden, Great Britain or any of the Latin American countries? These
 would be extremely valuable in my comparative study of the temperance
and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Most of the figures I've
thus far are post 1900.
Thank you,
Jodi Gliksman
Boston University
email: [log in to unmask]