I think it might help matters if anyone who posts a non-Connells-related
message just puts "non-Connells-related" in the subject line.  That
way Kimberly, or anyone else who doesn't care to read off-the-main-
subject posts, can delete the message without even opening it, and
hopefully save some time.

Having said that, I want to encourage everybody to read even the
non-Connells-related stuff.  I have found out about a great many really
cool things from this list that had nothing to do with the Connells,
that I never would have heard about had I not been on this list.
The Gufs, for example, which are now one of my favorite bands -- first
heard about 'em right here.

Having said THAT, I'll now say that I have seen a great number of private
conversations taking place on this list that should be taken offline.
Chatting with another list member by posting to the listserv kind of
reminds me of the scene in "As Good As It Gets" where Jack Nicholson
shouts his dinner order to a waiter who is standing at a table halfway
across the room.  Occasionally people post private messages to the list
accidentally, but this is understandable and tolerable within reasonable
limits, especially when followed up with an appropriately sheepish
apology.  :)

Let's be friends here dammit,


> i think it's an open forum, feel free to discuss what you want and feel free to delete what you don't want.
> >Cheryl,
> >if you think that I meant that I'm against free speach, that is completely NOT
> >what I meant.  I'm all for stating any opinion that anyone might have, and I
> >think a good debate and diversity of opinion are both wonderful things.  All
> >that I was stating (my own opinion) is that I think we should attempt to keep
> >the conversations Connells oriented.  I'm making time to sift through 25+
> >listserve emails a day because I'm interested in the Connells.  I do not have
> >time to sift through miscellaneous other conversations.  Please, this does not
> >mean that you shouldn't state your opinion, share your ideas, or whatever, I'm
> >simply saying that because this is a Connells forum, we should stick to
> >Connells material.  I'm sorry if there's been a misunderstanding,
> >Kimberly