If you think blood sugar spikes are your fault – think again.

You see, erratic blood glucose has very little to do with a lack of insulin, a failing pancreas or how many carbs and sugars you eat.

Instead, experts at Johns Hopkins University have discovered that blood sugar problems are the direct result of this sticky gray mucous coating your kidneys and trapping sugar in your system.

In fact, this disgusting gray sludge literally blocks your body from processing sugar...

Pushing it back into your bloodstream and spiking your glucose levels out of control.

But it’s not all bad news.

Because one ex-military doctor has discovered a powerful new method to flush this deadly gray mucus from your kidneys...

Drain excess sugar from your bloodstream...

And when you do it before 10 am, it balances blood glucose levels almost instantly.

This new method takes less than 60 seconds and you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

>> Go here to see how it works.

To your health,



Unlist Here




important question of renewing their wardrobes would be considered in due time. At present they were strong, and able to stand hard wear for at least six months longer. But everything depended on the situation of the island as regarded inhabited countries, and that would be determined this day, providing the weather permitted.

The sun rising above the horizon, ushered in one of those glorious days which seem like the farewell of summer. The first thing to be done was to measure the height of Prospect Plateau above the sea. “Do you not need another pair of compasses?” asked Herbert, of the engineer. “No, my boy,” responded the latter, “this time we will try another and nearly as precise a method.”

Pencroff, Neb, and the reporter were busy at other things; but Herbert, who desired to learn, followed the engineer, who proceeded along the beach to the base of the granite wall. Smith was provided with a pole twelve feet long, carefully measured off from his own height, which he knew to a hair. Herbert carried a plumb-line made from a flexible fibre tied to a stone. Having reached a point 20 feet from the shore and

500 feet from the perpendicular granite wall, Smith sunk the pole two feet in the sand, and, steadying it carefully, proceeded to make it plumb with the horizon. Then, moving back to a spot where, stretched upon the sand, he could sight over the top of the pole to the edge of the cliff, bringing the two points in line, he carefully marked this place with a stone. Then addressing Herbert, “Do you know the first principles of geometry?” said he. “Slightly, sir,” answered Herbert, not wishing to seem forward.

At daybreak the next day, Easter Sunday, the colonists left the Chimneys and went to wash their linen and clean their clothing. The engineer intended to make some soap as soon as he could obtain some soda or potash and grease or oil. The