You are one of the few lucky patriots who get the chance to hear this...

A brilliant engineer from Lexington, Kentucky developed a one-of-a-kind device
that will start a major scandal and even had Trump's administration worry about it.


In the near future all green energy technology will replace all current energy grid and
it will all start with this device.

It's 10 times more powerful than any solar panel.

Grab yours ahead now while it's still out there... and prepare to learn something amazing!


P.S. I really recommend you stop what you're doing right now and watch
this short presentation.I don't know how much longer they can leave it up.



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Yes, the land was there! There, safety was at least provisionally assured. The island and the main land were separated by a channel half a mile wide, through which rushed a strong current. Into this current one of the party, without saying a word or consulting with his companions, precipitated himself. It was Neb. He was anxious to be upon that coast and to be pushing forward towards the north. No one could keep him back. Pencroff called to him in vain. The reporter prepared to follow, but the sailor ran to him, exclaiming:— “Are you determined to cross this channel?” “I am,” replied Spilett. “Well, then, listen to me a moment. Neb can rescue his master alone. If we throw ourselves into the channel we are in danger of being carried out to sea by this strong current. Now, if I am not mistaken it is cau sed by the ebb. You see the tide is going out. Have patience until low water and then we may ford it.” “You are right,” answered the reporter; “we will keep together as much as possible.” Meantime, Neb was swimming vigorously in a diagonal direction, against the current; his black shoulders were seen rising with each stroke. He was drawn backward with swiftness, but he was gaining towards the other shore. It took him more than half an hour to cross the half mile which separated the isle from the mainland, and when he reached the other side it was at a place a long distance from the point opposite to that which he had left.