I bet that you used tea tree oil at least once to treat that stubborn nail infection.

If you did not get the expected results or, on the contrary, if your infection got worse, you most certainly made this common mistake.

According to Harvard, using tea tree oil like this for nail fungus actually makes it 10 times worse.

The good news is that, if you use it correctly, tea tree can get you rid of the nasty nail infection in a matter of days.

Just check out this short video and see how to correctly use tea tree oil for nail fungus and what you should avoid at all costs.





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Then the castaways turned back, following the opposite side of the promontory over ground equally sandy and rocky. However, Pencroff observed that the shore was bolder, that the land rose somewhat, and he thought that it might gradually slope up to the high hill which was dimly visible through the darkness. The birds were less numerous on this shore. The sea also seemed less surging and tempestuous, and it was noticeable that the agitation of the waves was subsiding. They hardly heard the sound of the surf, and doubtless, this side of the promontory formed a semi-circular bay, protected by its sharp point from the long roll of the sea. But by following this direction they were walking towards the south, which was going away from that place where Smith would have landed. After a tramp of a mile and a half, the shore presented no other curve which would permit of a return towards the north . It was evident that this promontory, the point of which they had turned, must be joined to the mainland. The castaways, although much fatigued, pushed on courageously, hoping each moment to find a sudden turn which would take them in the desired direction. What, then, was their disappointment when, after having walked nearly two miles, they found themselves again arrested by the sea, upon a high promontory of slippery rocks. “We are on an island,” exclaimed Pencroff; “and we have measured it from end to end!” The words of the sailor were true. The castaways had been thrown, not upon a continent, but upon an island not more than two miles long, and of inconsiderable breadth.