October 2006


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 17 Oct 2006 16:40:35 -0400245_us-ascii To Whom It May Concern,

I would appreciate it if you would let me know how to get off your email for
the time being. I am doing a lot of traveling and need to be taken off at
this time.

Thank you,

Miriam Smith46_17Oct200616:40:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 16 Oct 2006 19:25:22 -0400391_US-ASCII I made a quick visit to the Deer Creek Reservoir this afternoon. Unfortunately it turned out to be a crappy day with rain or drizzle the whole time I was there, so birding was limited. The water level is finally being let down there, and mudflats are beginning to appear at the north end near Pancoastburg. Some of the birds seen at the few vantage points I checked included : [...]40_16Oct200619:25:[log in to unmask]
Thu, 26 Oct 2006 14:45:04 EDT
text/plain (47 lines)
Would you like the chance to study and compare Ohio's raptors up  close?
Here is your chance - with many individuals of almost every species  that can be
found in Ohio.

Back to the Wild Wildlife Rehabilitation and Nature Education Center,
located in Castalia, Ohio, will be having an Open House Sunday Oct. 29 from 9:00  AM
until dark.  This open house will also include an indoor garage  sale.

You may have seen Back to the Wild's displays, including live raptors, at
such events as International Migratory  Bird Day at Magee Marsh and Lake  Erie
Wing Watch.  The animals and displays shown there are just the tip of  the
iceberg compared to the live animals, taxidermy displays, study skins, and  more
to be seen at this facility.

BTTW is home to many animals that are non-releasable due to injuries  they
have suffered.  These animals are used in educational programs that  reach over
50,000 children and adults every year.  The center houses large  numbers of
raptors and many other species of birds, mammals, and  reptiles that can be
found in Ohio.  For more information, and  directions, go to
_http://backtothewild.com_ (http://backtothewild.com)

Mona Rutger, owner and operator of BTTW, was nominated for Animal Planet's
Hero of the Year.  Thanks to the support of many of you, Mona had a  very
strong lead when public voting concluded Oct. 8th but Animal Planet's rules
(posted on their web site, but a bit difficult to find) stated that this would  only
count as 25% of the judges' decision.  The winner has not yet been  announced.

As many of you know, wildlife rehabilitators receive no funding and rely on
donations to met their many expenses.  Even if Mona does win Animal  Planet's
substantial award, she still needs our continuing support.  Enjoy  your visit
her open house and contribute generously to help BTTW continue  its work.

Sheryl Young


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