February 2007


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Robert Royse <[log in to unmask]>
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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 7 Feb 2007 20:24:25 -0500442_iso-8859-1 This from a friend, if anyone can help. You may email me privately if you wish.

I know that many of you know of the Amer. Robin's
propensity for staying north in recent decades. I have
seen HUGE groups of robins..200 or more around select
crabapple trees in suburb. Cols. in recent wks.
But this behavior ..as far as not migrat. , is
relatively new. Do any of you have any info.,data on
this phenom.? [...]39_7Feb200720:24:[log in to unmask]
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:58:22 -0500
text/plain (23 lines)
Here's the same post again with some errors corrected. I did remember to run the spell check, but neglected to proofread. Sorry about that!

I took a quick drive around the egg farms near Johnstown again this afternoon. Birds were swirling everywhere in some freshly spread manure on Tagg Rd. between Westley Chapel Rd. and Roberts Rd. (DeLorme p. 58 C4). There were easily 2 to 3 thousand Horned Larks and a much lesser number of Lapland Longspurs.  It's difficult to get an exact number on them since there were spread out over a large area and were never all in the air at once. I still couldn't find any Snow Buntings with them. Perhaps in a couple of days the upcoming snow storm might bring some down.  It's a worthwhile place to check if you're in the NE part of Columbus.

More longspurs were seen along Westley Chapel and Downing Roads. Large numbers of Am. Tree Sparrows are also in the area wherever there is corn stubble and a little but of brush.

Bob Royse

Robert Royse
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