April 2007


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Robert Royse <[log in to unmask]>
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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 1 Apr 2007 07:37:53 -0700469_iso-8859-1 Along with usual suspects the follow were seen at pit and bridge

Grey Catbird 1 (bridge)
Brown Creeper 2
Winter Wren 2 (at bridge)
Carolina Wren
Hermit Thrush 1
Fox Sparrow 6

Golden-crowned Kinglet many
White-throated Sparrow - many
Song Sparrow - several
Field Sparrow - several
Chipping Sparrow - several
Red-winged Black Bird several
And finally Cherry's Tanager - many - kind of early for April 1st :) [...]44_1Apr200707:37:[log in to unmask]
Mon, 30 Apr 2007 17:58:24 -0400
text/plain (45 lines)
The south winds last night brought in some new migrants here along the Scioto River in Columbus. I picked up a few new species for the year, but nothing that hasn't already been widely reported elsewhere. At this point it seems to be the trees and not the weather that is keeping the migration slower than usual.

Birds along my local stretch of the Scioto during a 30 min. walk late this morning produced the following sightings :

1 Great Crested Flycatcher
1 White-eyed Vireo
3 Blue-headed Vireos
1 Yellow-throated Vireo
2 Warbling Vireos
2 Red-eyed Vireos
2 House Wrens
3 Ruby-crowned Kinglets
7 pairs of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers
2 Swainson's Thrushes
1 Wood Thrush
3 Gray Catbirds
1 Tennessee Warbler
7 Nashville Warblers
3 Yellow Warblers
48 Yellow-rumped Warblers
1 Black-throated Green Warbler
1 Blackburnian Warbler
4 Yellow-throated Warblers
1 Pine Warbler (female)
2 Palm Warblers
1 Black-and-white Warbler
1 Ovenbird
2 Baltimore Orioles

Yellow-rumps are still abundant here, but the numbers of Ruby-cr Kinglets and Palm Warblers have thinned a bit since the last infusion of new birds. I'm still hoping for a territorial Prothonotary to show up here before I break down and head to Hoover or Spring Valley for that tick on my yearlist.

This evening a walk on the bike path on the other side of the river S of 5th Ave. wasn't very productive. Besides the resident Warbling Vireos, B-g Gnatcatchers and Yellow-thr Warblers, the only passerines of note were ~12 Yellow-rumped, 2 Nashville, 1 Yellow, and 3 Palm Warblers. An Osprey was a flyover.  Besides getting some excersise, the walk to the bridges at the Grandview exits of I-670 was still worthwhile with the arrival of the Cliff Swallows in numbers. At least 50 pairs are now occupying and retouching last year's nests. I didn't see any new nest building from from scratch by any of them.

Bob Royse, Columbus


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