June 2007


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 14 Jun 2007 12:34:05 -0400190_ISO-8859-1 I had two singing Black-and-white Warblers in my yard on the east side of
Columbus today (June 14). They moved through the area with a flock of
Marc Schroeder51_14Jun200712:34:[log in to unmask]
Sat, 16 Jun 2007 19:24:22 -0400
text/plain (16 lines)
<p>We birded two sites in the Fairborn area early Saturday morning.</p><p>Cemex Reserve is located off of Garland Ave through the Sanctuary housing development.  A parking lot has been put in and the gates are now open daily, so the reserve is now open to the public. </p><p>- two Great Egret have been here all season</p><p>- Green Heron </p><p>both seen to like the easy pickins with the water level of the marsh being down.  Shorebird habitat is perfect.  Right now only Killdeer seem to be exploring the mudflats.  Hopefully this will change as the southern migration begins.</p><p>Oaks Quarry is located off of Rte. 235 just east of Rte 675.  I recommend birding this spot in the early morning.  Very little shade is available.</p><p>Yellow-breasted Chats were numerous.  We had at least three</p><p>Lark Sparrow (thank you Tim Spahr) - we found at least two male along the hiking trail beyond the dumpster</p><p>Prairie Warbler was very cooperative.  Singing its heart out just beyond
  the parking lot.</p><p>Common Yellow-throats were the other numberous bird - lots I think we stopped counting at 15.</p><p /><p>Two great birding spots!</p><p>Cris and Dave Barnett</p>
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