June 2007


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 14 Jun 2007 12:34:05 -0400190_ISO-8859-1 I had two singing Black-and-white Warblers in my yard on the east side of
Columbus today (June 14). They moved through the area with a flock of
Marc Schroeder51_14Jun200712:34:[log in to unmask]
Thu, 28 Jun 2007 13:13:16 EDT
text/plain (49 lines)
I got out this morning to check activity at the Oxbow Road area at the
Hoover Nature Preserve. With the high humidity it didn't take long for my shirt  to
be soaked. Hopefully this means rain this afternoon. Because there has not
been measurable rain since early April, the water levels at Oxbow Road have
dropped considerably and mud flats are beginning to emerge along the shore. The
last time the water level dropped this early, 2005, we had a banner fall
shorebird migration, but the other species suffer when this happens.

I found fledglings and immature birds from end to end at Oxbow Road this
morning. Prothonotary Warbler activity has slowed to a crawl as I only heard two
males singing. Following their calls I located a pair of adults feeding 5
fledglings that were scattered in shrubs and a low cottonwood branch. The second
 male appears to be on territory and could be going for a second brood.
Although  unusual this far north, each year I seen to find one or two pairs that
manage a  second brood. This year most of the nests are fledging earlier than
usual by  almost a week. This could result in more pairs attempting second

Other observations included 1 immature Black-crown Night-Heron that by its
plumage is most likely a second year bird and not a fledgling from the current
year. He looked scruffy and may be molting to adult plumage. There were 3
immature Great Blue Herons at the vernal pool. They were taking advantage of the
 lowering water to pick off the fish left in the pool by the high spring
waters.  I guess this is their version of Home Buffet. They seem to have developed
 good taste as they were ignoring the large carp whose dorsal fins are
sticking  out of the water.

Brown Thrashers, Downy Woodpeckers, Baltimore Orioles, and Yellow  Warblers
were also feeding fledglings. Along Oxbow Road in the large  grassy field there
were Eastern Meadowlarks. Otherwise it was quiet this  morning.

Charlie Bombaci
Hoover Nature Preserve
Delorme 58 C (2) & (3)

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