August 2007


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 9 Aug 2007 12:36:27 EDT561_US-ASCII August 9 - 9:15 - 10 a.m.

Many more shorebirds today. Located mostly in the grassy mudflats in the
middle of the "lake". Best viewed from the last viewing area down the long
grassy hill--not the gravel path hill.

Lesser yellowlegs - 10
Greater yellowlegs - 5
Least sandpipers - 12
Semipalmated sandpipers - 7
Pectoral sandpipers - 18
Solitary sandpipers - 6
Killdeer - 100++
Great blue herons - 10
Wood ducks
Canada geese
Cooper's hawk - keeping things moving! [...]37_9Aug200712:36:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Fri, 31 Aug 2007 17:04:05 EDT
text/plain (45 lines)
This afternoon I was joined by  Jim and Louise Casto at the Hoover Nature 
Preserve. We met at the boardwalk  where activity was slow. There was no sign of 
the Little Blue Heron, but there  were 5 Great Egrets. Shorebirds were also 
limited as we only observed Killdeer,  a few Semipalmated Plovers, about 5 
Lesser Yellowlegs, 4 Spotted Sandpipers,  about 12 Semipalmated Sandpipers and 
Least Sandpipers, and a lone Pectoral  Sandpiper. 
As we were leaving the parking  lot we ran into Bruce Simpson and Robert 
McNulty. They had just come from the  east shore and said they didn’t see much 
activity there.  We went anyhow as I wanted to show the  area to Jim and Louise. 
It was a good decision. Although the numbers were not  high, we had great 
looks at what we saw which included several species Jim and  Louise were after.  
Upon arrival we  were greeted by 3 Red-Shouldered Hawks that put on quite a 
show for us. We then  proceeded to the mudflats where we observed the following 
Black-bellied Plover        (5) 
Lesser Golden-Plover    (1) 
Semipalmated Plover     (11) 
Killdeer                 (50+) 
Lesser Yellowlegs             (13) 
Spotted Sandpiper          (4) 
Semipalmated Sandpiper             (20+) 
Least Sandpiper                                (15+) 
Pectoral Sandpiper          (3) 
Short-billed Dowitcher  (9) 
Charlie Bombaci 
Hoover Nature Preserve 
Delorme 58 C (2) & (3) 

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