November 2007


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 7 Nov 2007 03:34:01 EST589_US-ASCII On November 17th, Jim McCormac will present, Ecology of the Lake Erie Marsh
Region, for the Black Swamp Bird Observatory (BSBO) , Lunch Lecture Series.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you anything about Jim. If you don't know who
he is by now, I'm worried about you! : ) Jim's knowledge and understanding
of Ohio's flora and fauna is legendary, and his fun and informative
presentations make him a highly sought after public speaker. BSBO is thrilled to
offer you this opportunity to see Jim speak and maybe you can do a little
birding in the marsh region [...]39_7Nov200703:34:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 12 Nov 2007 10:54:34 -0500626_windows-1252 Birded some on Middle Bass Island last Thursday (11-8)and Friday-(11-
9)not much waterfowl present as there were lots of duck hunters around
also. Did see a Common Loon and Horned Grebe on the east side. Lots of
Double-crested Cormorants passed by on Friday AM-took over five minutes
for the large group to pass by low over the water.
Pat Chrysler reported seeing 5 Red-tailed Hawks and 2 Bald Eagles
flying south together over South Bass on Friday, November 9 around noon.
There seem to be quite a few raptors and Turkey Vultures seen lately
around the islands.
On returning home [...]45_12Nov200710:54:[log in to unmask]
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 21:10:27 EST
text/plain (33 lines)
On Tuesday, a male Long-tailed Duck in beautiful winter plumage was  observed
coming in across the lake west of the lighthouse at Headlands Dunes  State
Park.  He landed just offshore!  Scope views were had though the  roughness of
the lake and the constant diving of the hungry duck made  observation a bit of
a trial.

Wednesday found the same people at the same spot and there he was yet and
still.   By now rested and fed, he posed magnificently on the calmer  waters.
Who knows what this new weather may bring, but two days with such  a bird merit
a mention.

Two flocks of Snow Geese passed by above, a lovely Loon floated close,  and
Horned Grebes popped up here and there.  A single Lapland Longspur  hopped
along the path - unusual behavior but great for observation!

SWagner, PPike

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