July 2009


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 15 Jul 2009 13:42:14 -0400528_us-ascii ?With much trepidation and doubt I struck off this morning to the reported place (thanks Renee!) in Guernsey co. near the small burg of Derwent. I arrived later than I should have but it wasn't a problem, at about 9:30 am in my bins I saw the bird standing on a small log near the middle front of the wetland north of the railroad tracks. The bird is mostly grayish brown with a white belly and rump with an orange gray bill and white spot on its crown, it kind of blends in. Got digiscope videos and pics while I [...]38_15Jul200913:42:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Mon, 20 Jul 2009 14:05:01 EDT
text/plain (31 lines)
July 20 - 9:15 a.m.

Bald eagle - 1
Least sp - 13
Spotted sp - 3
Lesser yellowlegs - 3
Pectoral sp - 7
Solitary sp - 1
Killdeer - Lots
DC cormorant
Wood ducks
Belted kingfisher
Great blue herons - 50+
And most of the "other" stuff

Ed and Bev Neubauer
Englewood, Ohio
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