June 2012


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 9 Jun 2012 22:20:34 -0400376_iso-8859-1 Our resident Grackles regularly kill House Finches and occasionally House
Sparrows this time of year and I presume they are feeding their
nestlings/fledglings. I once saw a Grackle repeatedly attack and then
carry off a fledgling Starling. I wouldn't have thought a Grackle could
take off with that much weight.

Lisa Rainsong
Cleveland Heights48_9Jun201222:20:[log in to unmask]
Fri, 22 Jun 2012 14:30:34 -0400
text/plain (113 lines)
This  morning I monitored my nest boxes at Old Sunbury Road and the 
Eastshore Yacht  Club at Hoover Reservoir (Delaware County), and then I made a 
quick stop at the  Area M boardwalk.  
The  Prothonotaries are fledging rapidly now and its getting hard to keep 
track of  them. The fledglings initially flutter more than fly to the nearest 
perch,  usually buttonbush or something similar. After a they grow a little 
they work  their ways up the trees to more lofty perches. The low perches 
combined with  their noise makes it fairly easy to locate them when they 
initially fledge, but  once they get into the foliage it’s another story to spot 
them. I had an  interesting experience with a father and son that were 
fishing at the Area M  boardwalk later in the morning. I was telling them about 
the nest boxes they  kept seeing when I heard a male PROW call nearby. I 
suggested I might call him  in so they could learn more about the species and 
why wetlands are important. I  phished and out came not just the male, but 
three of the young that had  fledged earlier. I think we have two new birding  
The  Bald Eagle nest on the east shore across from Oxbow Road has fledged. 
I observed  both adults and managed to locate two of three eaglets high up 
in cottonwood  trees near the nest site. They were calling raucously for the 
adults to bring  food. 
I  also spotted a barred owl in the pine grove along Old Sunbury Road as I 
headed  back to the car. More of note, there are already mudflats forming 
along this  stretch which can be very good for shorebirds when the habitat is 
appropriate.  Unless we get significant rain Hoover might give a repeat of 
2005 when we  located 33 species of shorebirds. 
Other  than the PROWs at the boardwalk, the most interesting finds were a 
Great Egret;  following up on an earlier posted observation, at platform #2 
there were both  adult Osprey and one chick still at the nest, and in a tree 
across the  expanse there were another two adult Osprey that appeared to be 
copulating.  It seems rather late for this but what was observed can’t be 
explained as any  other behavior I can come up with. 
A  complete list of the morning’s observations follows.  
Charlie  Bombaci 
Hoover  nature Preserve 
Double-crested  Cormorant                                     
Great  Blue Heron                                          
Great  Egret                                                       
Green  Heron                                                  
Turkey  Vulture                                               
Canada  Goose                                                          
Wood  Duck                                                    
Bald  Eagle                                                     
Red-tailed  Hawk                                           
Ring-billed  Gull                                             
Mourning  Dove                                             
Yellow-billed  Cuckoo                                   
Barred  Owl                                                     
Chimney  Swift                                              
Ruby-throated  Hummingbird                     
Belted  Kingfisher                                          
Red-headed  Woodpecker                           
Red-bellied  Woodpecker                                         
Downy  Woodpecker                                                 
Northern  Flicker                                            
Eastern  Wood-Pewee                                  
Acadian  Flycatcher                                      
Eastern  Phoebe                                            
Great  Crested Flycatcher                             
Eastern  Kingbird                                           
Warbling  Vireo                                              
Red-eyed  Vireo                                             
Blue  Jay                                                         
American  Crow                                             
Tree  Swallow                                                 
Northern  Rough-winged Swallow                         
Bank  Swallow                                               
Cliff  Swallow                                                             
Barn  Swallow                                                
Carolina  Chickadee                                                 
Tufted  Titmouse                                            
White-breasted  Nuthatch                            
Carolina  Wren                                               
House  Wren                                                  
Blue-gray  Gnatcatcher                                 
Eastern  Bluebird                                           
American  Robin                                            
Gray  Catbird                                                   
Northern  Mockingbird                                  
Brown  Thrasher                                            
European  Starling                                        
Cedar  Waxwing                                            
Yellow  Warbler                                              
Prothonotary  Warbler                                   
Louisiana  Waterthrush                                
Common  Yellowthroat                                 
Eastern  Towhee                                            
Chipping  Sparrow                                                    
Field  Sparrow                                                
Song  Sparrow                                               
Northern  Cardinal                                         
Indigo  Bunting                                              
Red-winged  Blackbird                                 
Common  Grackle                                         
Baltimore  Oriole                                            
House  Finch                                                  
American  Goldfinch                                                House  


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